Shared Governance


The LycĂ©e Français de Doha is a school governed by an agreement between the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) and the Parents’ Association, which is the school’s management body. The organisation of these different bodies is structured according to the different missions assigned to each body.


The Parents’ Association of the LycĂ©e Bonaparte de Doha

The Parents’ Association of the LycĂ©e Bonaparte is the sovereign body of the school. All the parents are de facto members. It is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901. Twice a year, a General Assembly is held and allows parents to discuss their ideas, take important decisions for the school and choose their representatives on the Management Committee. The Parents’ Association and the Management Committee carry the material and financial management of the school. This democratic way of functioning is at the heart of the values and governance of our school since its opening and allows each parent to take an active part in the life and the major issues of the school.


Organisation and functioning of the Management Committee.

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The agreement signed between the AEFE and the Lycée Français Bonaparte

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Pedagogical and educational direction

The Principal and the members of the Management Team, all appointed by the AEFE, ensure the pedagogical and educational management. The various representative bodies of the school (the School Council and the Primary School Council) support them in this task.

The School Council is the main body that deals with the pedagogical and educational issues of the school.

The Primary School Council is consulted on all matters related to the functioning and life of the primary school.

The Management and Administrative Team of the Lycée Bonaparte

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