Learning languages
is at the heart of the
school project

Personalised language courses

The Lycée Bonaparte welcomes children of all nationalities, whether French-speaking or not, from kindergarten to the end of secondary school and offers diversified and ambitious language courses. It aims at enabling pupils to master languages in order to think, communicate and act in a multicultural and multilingual world.

Ecole primaire
Ecole primaire
Ecole primaire

Following on from the primary school, pupils have the opportunity to continue learning Arabic. They develop their written and oral skills and acquire a solid foundation in grammar. This teaching takes place in groups of skills adapted to the level of language of each student. This teaching is also offered to beginners who want to discover the Arabic language.

This course is intended for children with a good knowledge of English. Pupils consolidate their knowledge, acquire a very good level of English and a thorough knowledge of the Anglo-Saxon culture. The students need to take a language assessment to join this section.

Students consolidate their knowledge, acquire a very good command of the language and an in-depth knowledge of Arabic culture.

Internationally recognised language qualifications

Each year, Bonaparte High School prepares students for certification exams in English, Spanish and Arabic.

English (Diplomas of the Cambridge English Language Assesment and delivered by the British Council)

  • Spanish (Diploma issued by the Cervantes Institute)

  • Arabic (Diploma issued by the Arab World Institute)


Enrol at the Lycée Français Bonaparte

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