Marmothèque (kindergarten)
4000 Documents

Library and documentary centre (BCD)
4000 Documents

Culture and knowledge centre (CCC)
10 000 Documents
These are places :
- To discover books in all their forms: novels, comics, stories, plays, collections of poems, albums, documentaries.
- To welcome pupils around activities that aim at giving everyone a taste for reading.
- To borrow documentary resources.

Marmothèque (kindergarten):
the class teachers manage the weekly loans.
Loan application : “Hibouthèque”
BCD (library and documentation center):
Loans and activities are managed by the library teacher in collaboration with the class teachers. The BCD is open every day, during breaks.
The CCC is open every day. It is a space to reading, research, relax and borrow documents. Throughout the year, the librarian organizes, for all secondary school students, educational sessions on documentary research, media and information.
Our librarians

Assistant librarian for the library and marmothèque

VĂ©ronique DA CUNHA
Documentalist in charge of the CCC (Culture and Knowledge Centre)