A school integrated into the worldwide network of French schools

A school integrated into the worldwide network of
the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE).


The AEFE is a government institution supervised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development. It is responsible for monitoring and managing the network of French schools abroad with the mission of guaranteeing the education of French children outside our borders. It plays a key role in expanding France’s cultural and linguistic influence throughout the world and serves to boost the appeal of French higher education abroad. It also strengthens cooperative relations between the French and foreign educational systems. This school network is unique in the world. It counts 580 schools in 139 countries, with more than 391,000 students, including 125,000 French students. This network is unique in the world both by its size but also and foremost because of the quality and homogeneity of the education and values taught in its establishments.


The school is accredited by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research. The teaching provided is therefore in line with the curricula, teaching objectives and organizational rules of the French education system. The teaching offered is innovative, open to the culture and language of the host country, and provides enhanced learning in modern languages right from kindergarten. It prepares students for their future as citizens and actors in multilingual and multicultural societies. An AEFE school reconciles a French education with teaching of international standard, the promotion of French with the development of multilingualism, a pedagogy committed to the success of all with the demand for excellence.