Jeux Internationaux de la Jeunesse 2024: en route pour Athènes !

June 4, 2024

Au cœur de l’Olympisme à Athènes

In a year marked by the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the Youth Olympic Games took place in Athens, the birthplace of the Olympic Games, from 27 May to 02 June.

The event, organised by the AEFE and the Union nationale du sport scolaire (UNSS), promotes the values of sport, culture, heritage, sharing, encounters, solidarity and the French-speaking world.

64 teams from 5 continents competed in a wide range of events:
Ancient Pentathlon, Beach Volley, Kayak, Ultimate, Triathlon, Discovery of Greek heritage with an Odyssey in Athens, and not forgetting the ‘Dance the IYDs’ event for which the Lycée Bonaparte team took 3rd place! To watch the video, click on the following link:  vidéo “Dansez les JIJ”

A huge well done to Adam, Iskander, Juliette, Lana, Mathis and Sarah for their remarkable performance, which saw them take 11th place overall out of 64 teams!
We salute their unshakeable team spirit, their rigorous preparation throughout the year, and their thirst for victory, which drove them to surpass themselves in every event.

A very big thank you to Mr Luquiau and Mr Belloteau, who were responsible for the team’s physical preparation this year, and who accompanied them throughout their adventure.

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